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Sunday 20 December 2020

The Being as the Reference Point in Sexuality - (3984)

The whole problem of sexuality I think revolves around that of the reference point. What is our central point at each moment with regards to our sexual energy? That's the power key. The reference point determines it all. For the Gnostic yearning for the Being, the reference point is one's Being. The power for us resides there in knowing, in consciously being there and using that central point.

The reference point we take allows us to separate or not, to organise or not, to direct and control or not, to be conscious or not and to work or not work.

The central point is a conscious choice. Until it becomes instinctive. 

We have a central point installed in our instinctive centre. Nature installs it and by lack of knowledge and the impressions of society we strengthen what nature has installed. 

When we work on our sexuality we will find that we need to install a different central point into our instincts.

The first big problem is that we are not taught about sexuality, we are not taught that there exists three types. We are taught zero nothing about this.

Anyway we know now about the three types (infra, normal and supra). Our problems persist until we don't chose to make our Being the central point of our sexuality. 

A way is to relate directly to our sexual energy - using direct mindful focus then bring the remembering of the Being. Then naturally, our inner Being becomes our point of view, our central point. We see that the energy must reach our Being and be for our Being. We then see that we need to transmute for the energy to reach our Being. 

From that central point we see what needs to be separated from our mind because that does not align with our Being, with our goal of the energy reaching our Being, of enhancing ourselves and the Being we have are inside of ourselves. We can see that the mind brings many identities and other reference points that are in matter and are external. We are an essence, a consciousness and we are not any identity or person, or situation or anything like that.

Having the Being at our centre allows us to organise the way we take sensation, it allows us to lower the emotion, to separate more from the sensation interpreting and fantasy imposing mind, to not give too much of the fire of our attention to any emotion from any sensation, and it also allows us to control our attention to be able to put our attention on the destination of the energy and not on the energy causing it to flux.

Central point is the true nobility and love towards ourselves with regards to sexuality (i.e. how can I use sexual energy to really in the true sense of the word better myself, respect myself, dignity myself) then it moves to the do the same towards our inner Being. With that established we can really transform our sexuality and psychology and continuing and continuing we will make it instinctive. 

End (3984).

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