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Thursday 24 December 2020

A Peek at Wasting One's Time - (3993)

Let's have a little look at this. I remember when I was a few years into Gnosis I had this obsession about time. I would be so zealous. Ruthless even. But that all changed, the third factor made me into a 'huge time waster', well apparently.

Every instructor apparently wastes so much time. Preparing talks and giving talks to people who are not interested, don't listen, don't like the instructor, don't care and even leave with ingratitude. What a huge waste of time hey and how stupid because the instructor does it again and again year after year, don't they learn what's wrong with them? 

When we think about it there is either something wrong with them, like a screw loose or they don't have something wrong. If Master Samael said to a group of people who were missionaries or about to become missionaries: "from you shall come those who shall reach the realisation" they can't have something so wrong. It depends from which eyes we look at it from, from the mere physical or from the esoteric. The esoteric is the fullest, widest, more correct multi-dimensional view, guranteed to give you an enlightened answer.

Have you ever conceived that we can be paid back or awarded with time or compensated with time? We don't think that can do we? We only think about compensation with money, a person's help, the help of  a Divinity, physical things, light, advice, love etc. but time? Not really. Not time no.

When we help anyone and even if they do not learn anything or get anything or don't change we are still paid by the Law. the Law holds that capital and returns it to us. The time that we invest is a value, there is sacrifice of our egotistical interests in giving our time and that sacrifice for us human beings in this society is a big one. So giving our time has high value attached to it.

The help we give to another also goes to their Monad. We are investing in a Monad. Imagine that investing in a Monad. A Monad is beyond time and so one day that help will return to you maybe just at the moment you need it most.

How is our time that we give paid back? By acclerating the time that it takes for us to do certain things in relation to our path, our psychological work. But to receive that payment we have to be working on ourselves and or working on the path.

We can also be given an extension in time by the Law - imagine that. Why would we be given that? Because we have been giving time. 

Imagine the selfish person, they work and get results, sure, but by giving they would receive and that would boost them and help them. The selfish person does not give and so does not receive. Giving to others would draw to them the Christ and the Christ is the redeemer the power behind our redemption.

The gift of time that has the greatest value is the disinterested gift of it just like any gift if it be done with disinterest then it takes up its highest value. Why? Because that is ultimately Christic, the sun gives to all without discrimination and without interest to receive anything back. Because in truth which human being is aware of what they receive from the sun and even rare those who consciosuly and voluntarily look up at the sun and give something back to It.  

Just to throw this in as well, there are times when we really do waste our time, like in things that are not of the work, that don't have the Being in sight. Like watching TV and everyone knows what really wastes time for them. 

There is a part of our Being that is in charge of the time taken for our esoteric processes, so time is an esoteric management point. That our inner Being manages. we can always put Him in charge of our time. Well He is anyway when we work on ourselves seriously.

End (3993).

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