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Monday 18 January 2021

A Bitter Cup - (4020)

One drinks bitter cups. One passes through bitter moments. There are those two cups in life, the sweet and the bitter one...

The gift while drinking one of those bitter cups is to be given the sudden image and feeling, like a special recollection of someone... Of someone who in the past we made suffer exactly as we are now. But only right now do we know how they suffered. before right now we scoffed and said, no reason that they should be suffering etc. etc....

This gift makes us to realise what they really felt. What bitterness they tasted at the hands of our blind self-centeredness... 

This gift of bitterness of pain in the heart is a mini awakening, it makes us more conscious of how we hurt others and how a certain attitude or way of thinking, feeling and acting is indeed wrong.

There comes a moment in that conscious comprehension of our errors that the shock is sufficiently strong to make us sufficiently conscious enough to not repeat it in the future. If we don't feel that in our consciousness, that special recognition that this is now enough, the lesson learnt, we will repeat it.

The pain, the bitterness, is a gift of awakening. To see it this way makes all the difference while holding the bitter cup in your hand.

End (4020).

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