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Monday 11 January 2021

A Little Bit of Faith Notes - (4011)

We have to fabricate faith.

We all come with a bit of it. To get more we have to put in work.

We really develop faith in difficult circumstances. In situations where we have exhausted all our human resources and we can't do anything else but put everything into the hands of a higher power. Such as God, which we Gnostics know as our inner Being and the Divine Law.

We really develop faith as a power in our Divine Mother when we have fought and comprehended and separated an ego all that we can and yet it still bothers us, we then put everything that we have into our Divine Mother to dissolve it and with our faith as a power - she does work on it to definitely dissolve it.

That is one of the many ways that we can develop faith as a real power.

End (4011).

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