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Saturday 16 January 2021

Unjust Made Just by the Invisible - (4017)

Balance is always a perfect equation. Here to balance things perfectly physically is always very difficult. We often fall into doing another injustice trying to balance things physically. For example, someone gives us an apple and to balance that we have to give them the exact same apple back but that is impossible. How can we find an apple that looks the same, tastes the same, feels the same and weighs the same? Impossible right, and in trying to do that we would spend hours upon hours trying to do that. So yet balance is always done, it is always made perfect and the way it is made perfect is by the invisible component of balance.

If we can't balance perfectly physically an invisible credit or debt appears in our accounts. That invisible credit or debt is what makes things just or what completes balance.

So in the end we should give more than we take and even though that is unfair or unjust the invisible part of justice will work it out for us so that it becomes fair. 

A teacher gives more than he or she receives and that is balanced by the teacher receiving dharma which manifests in many different marvelous ways. A student receives more than he or she gives but somehow the invisible side of justice balances that out in the future where the student teaches others.

End (4017).

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