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Monday 11 January 2021

Can't Do Anything Right? - (4013)

Sometimes this happens at various moments, stages, events, days etc. of our life.

Whatever we do, even trying to make things better and do the good, things just get worse...

Why is that? Because we are covered in mud and whatever we touch we make muddy. This mud is not physical but it is energetic, it is vibration, it is subconscious, it is many invisible things... but with very tangible effects on ourselves, on others and circumstances etc.

It’s just like a person has something in their eye and we have mud on our hands and we try to remove the thing and we just put mud in their eye. Making it all so much worse. 

The best thing to do is to step back then clean ourselves. Once we are clean then try and do something. You'll see how much a difference that makes. Then you will discover what that mud is all about and what it does.

End (4013).

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