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Sunday 3 January 2021

Constantly Putting Things in the Hands of the Being - (4002)

When we are out of our depths to handle or manage something or transform something we have to put it in the hands of the Being. 

Go quiet, close your eyes. Go to the heart, open yourself up like an open book, express your concerns as honestly as possible to your Divinity, your inner Sun and surrender them setting free to rise up wards like a flame. Surrender to Its guidance or the circumstances and help, that It will unfold for you.

Ask for help to transform, whatever impression it is, honestly totally freely give it over to our inner Sun, though don't stop doing your part in working on the transformation of that impression. Our inner Sun will guide us, help us to transform it and overcome it.

Difficulties are a pain but they are also good as they make us remember our inner Sun more than ever before.

End (4002). 

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