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Tuesday 5 January 2021

Cosmic Psychological Laws - (5274)


The common person does not know about this at all. Yet it is so important, it answers so many things about our life. 

There really exist cosmic psychological laws. Because we ignore this we are in the strife that we are in.

There are really really three realities or worlds. The esoteric, the psychological and the physical.

We think that only physical laws exists. But we are wrong, we are ignorant. This post talks about these laws in general and hopefully later posts will deal specifically with some of these laws. 

The ignorance of these laws makes us to live an animal kind of a life. Yet we all want to live happy and wonderful lives, yet not knowing these laws of happiness, causes us to break them all the time, and happiness and beauty all become illusions.

Cosmic Psychological Laws

We know all about the physical laws, and sometimes, they don't really matter if we break them or not. for example, if we go through a red light it does not matter to nature at all. Nature does not care. But if we break other laws, namely these cosmic psychological laws, nature cares and reacts against us.

These laws are not morals that human beings have made up. Like dress codes or standards. A hundred years ago the standard was full length but now people are almost naked at the beach etc.

The esoteric laws rule over the two worlds below and the psychological laws rule over the physical world.

The most important or valuable things are the invisible things in us! The invisible is the most important! In fact the real reality is the invisible.

We think that we can do anything we want psychologically and not have our physical life affected. For example, we think we can get degenerated and still keep up our beautiful physical life. A person thinks they can go out there drinking all that they want with whoever they want and suffer no consequences to their physical life whatsoever. Sure they are free to do it, and that is pretty accepted and normal these days, I'm just saying even though it is all accepted and normal they will still face consequences. 

In general people break these psychological laws because they don't know about them and if they know a little bit about them they break them because they believe they don't matter.

If a person begins to drink and drink, they are not breaking any physical law, but soon enough you will see them losing everything. Family, friends, profession, health, mental well-being you name it.

The drunkard broke psychological laws. Our psychological world is governed by psychological laws and when we break them we have to pay. So the drunkard breaking these laws begins to pay and in paying he or she is losing something. What one begins to lose is the love of life, the well-being, the feeling relaxed and fine, the clarity of mind, the surety and enthusiasm for people, the enthusiasm for work in general and in particular the enthusiasm for his or her own life, one soon begins to lose the capacity for joy etc. etc. Then depression, anxiety all result.

The problem with these immutable cosmic psychological laws is that we don't suffer the consequences straight away. When we are working on ourselves we can do but not really before that.

It happens that we only start to really suffer the consequences when we are full. When the breaking of these laws starts to satiate us. Giving us that 'feeling sick of' feeling. Like the person gets sick of drinking, gets sick of crying, gets sick of lying, gets sick of getting angry etc.

Thoughts are like seeds. What we do with our thoughts or seeds causes things to grow in our psyche. We can't for example expect love or tolerance to grow in our mind when we are sowing seeds of dislike and intolerance in our mind can we? But we are so stupid or rather ignorant of these laws that we expect love and tolerance to come to us when we are sowing dislike and intolerance in our mind. This is one of those immutable cosmic psychological laws. Which are also moral laws in the true sense.

End (5274).

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