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Monday 18 January 2021

Heart to Heart Battle - (4022)

There are three battles Master Samael says. Heart against heart, intellect against heart and intellect against sex.

The worst is heart against heart. I'll explain a little bit why.

Heart against heart is what costs us the most to resolve. Our heart divides, with forces deep in both sides coming out to battle. Both are noble and right feelings and the battle of one against the other hurts. Nobility against nobility is a fight that just should not be, but it happens in the heart against heart fight. 

The worst fight to see is always two saints fighting, two mothers fighting, two priests fighting, two siblings... Because no one can understand it. Two drunkards, two criminals, two mercenaries, two boxers fighting - everyone understands that and no problems.

Heart against mind is hard but not so costly. Because we know the heart holds the most noble, and it is just a process of the mind letting go and accepting the heart. Sometimes it is different, where the feeling is not very noble but the mind holds the logical and the correct in accordance with ethics and the esoteric teachings, and in this situation it is heart that has to conform by making itself noble.

Intellect against sex is not as hard, maybe a bother but if we just wait, stay still, the force of sex calms and the battle is resolved. We also know that what the intellect holds is the logical, the right, the common sense, the orderly and so when the sexual power calms the common sense of the intellect appears more strongly and takes control and balances things.

The peak and decline of these three battles is reached once we see the solution and we appreciate it and know that it is the best and right thing. That is when our consciousness appears and helps us. Before that moment, it is hell, pure warfare raging in our poor human machine. 

End (4022).

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