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Wednesday 20 January 2021

We Don't Work Seriously Until Needed - (4028)

What are the special magic elements that make us work seriously?

Without these elements we don't really work. We work lukewarm and don't give anywhere near our best or what we are truly capable of.

It is very much like the story of the Buddha, how he submerged a disciple under water and then after pulling the disciple out he asked him: "what were you thinking of when you about to drown?". The disciple replied: "air!".

These magic elements are: emotion. When our emotions are touched deeply we begin to work. When are our emotions touched? When something real and of high importance to us is at stake. When we need to work to save that which is of high importance to us is when we really work. 

What is of high importance to us is always what is very real and is what we take emotionally.

The other magical element is need. When we really need to work because we are at the edge of the abyss or we are suffering so much then we really work.

The magic of these elements is that they overcome any and every obstacle. If we were always tired they make us strong and alert, when we were always lacking time they make us to find the time and when where we would always give up they make us to persist and persist.

When we are under these conditions even though they be difficult we are set up to do our best work. 

End (4028).

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