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Sunday 21 February 2021

Hard Hard on an Ego - (4069)

It gets to the point that there is no time anymore for a particular ego, it has to die! So what can we do? Nothing, but get really hard on it. The bottom line is, if we don't get hard on it, sharp and to the point of death on it, it is not going to leave us alone!

That's why we fail because we don't maintain our hard line for long enough. 

First is to cut its supply of impressions which are its food. There's no way really that we can make any ego die if we keep its food supply going. We get food to the ego in two ways: directly - by receiving the impressions that it asks for or seeks, for example, from people or from media that is created by the ego, and the other way is by receiving impressions indirectly, from ourselves by our thinking and feeling.  

With some egos it will be to stop taking the impressions in the same way and thinking and feeling in the same way and for others it will be to stop receiving those impressions altogether.

Pray with strong will and determination to dissolve it and then concentrate on it, knowing it and knowing it and understanding it and understanding it. 

But all the while making your best effort to keep the resolution that its time is up.  

This is really mystical death and the rest is just unhelpful wayside material.

End (4069).

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