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Tuesday 16 February 2021

Other People Depend on Our Values - (4063)

That's how life works doesn't it? The whole of society is upheld by the values of each member. 

When the values are not exercised then things begin to break down, laws are broken and crimes committed.

All relationships depend on our values. Relationships can't exist or be sustained if values are absent.

We can also see that many of our relationships depend on one value much more than any other. Each relationships has a key value. Find it and we have found the key to making that relationship successful and long lasting.

It seems that the law of society is that the values are put into practice.

Our boss depends on the value of our word, on our honesty, and the worker depends on the fairness of the boss, on the word of the boss, on the direction of the boss, on the understanding of the boss etc.

Our Being depends on your chastity, on our love for the work, on our diligence, on our perseverance, on our loyalty, on our humility, on our faith etc. and we depend on our Being's love, on our Being's trust, on our Being's consciousness etc. 

It seems that in doing the work and the path we exercise the most values as our Inner Being depends in growing degrees upon each of our values.

End (4063).

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