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Saturday 6 March 2021

Conscious Relaxation - (3862)

Conscious relaxation is something very useful.

Breathing plays a most important role in relaxing consciously. Belly breathing does wonders or long slow deep breaths which activate the parasympathetic nervous system.

When we relax consciously we can see that there are so many reactions that we produce that are just not necessary.

We also see that there are ways of thinking, feeling and acting that we don't need and we can change.

Conscious relaxation is something physical and psychological. A relaxation of teh physical body as well as a relaxation of our mind and emotion.

To be in a conscious inert relaxed state before any harsh impression helps us immensely.

It helps us in being able to observe the psychological process that unfolds through to our centres. The relaxation also gives us something of a handle over our centres, as in we can control our centres, delaying the time it takes for them to become agitated and taken over by the ego especially if the ego manifests strongly and persistently.

Conscious relaxation ios a powerful ally for our practices of awakening and a very powerful weapon to employ when working on egos such as anger, annoyance, impatience, fear, lust, intolerance, frustration, hurrying etc. etc.

End (3862).

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