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Tuesday 30 March 2021

Magnetism of the Sexual Centre - (4102)

One of the properties of the sexual centre is magnetism. It is very magnetic and the sexual energy is very electric.

It is a magnetic centre which produces a certain kind of gravity that attracts influences, qualities and it even attracts events and people.  

That magnetic power can be cultivated...

Gnosis teaches that it is cultivated through retaining and transmuting the sexual energy. 

This is so because when a person transmutes, the transmuted energy circulates through our body through the many circuits. This flow of energy creates a magnetic field. No flow of energy no magnetic field. Furthermore, this magnetism stays with the person and is constantly recharged with their transmutation.

The raw sexual energy has a magnetic power that emanates and is received by the physical-vital, and the transmuted sexual energy has a magnetic power that impresses more the higher centres such as the heart and the spiritual.

There are many kinds of attraction. There is the sexual attraction and then there is the spiritual attraction. Both work via magnetism functioning at their respective level or octave.

That magnetism can be used to consciously further magnetise a person with any practice, with a certain activity or with one's husband or wife. 

That magnetic power is accompanied by vital heat and is linked to the vital energies and to the essence of the person.

In Alchemy the magnetic power is cultivated naturally as a foundation. However, Gnosis teaches that it can be cultivated without Alchemy where the couple bring their sexual centres close without sexually connecting them.

Master Samael says that if a man is impotent he should connect with his wife that way and doing over time his impotence will find its cure, due to the magnetic powers of the sexual centre.

Obviously the magnetic power cultivation has healing qualities as well as vitalising properties. 

End (4102).

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