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Wednesday 3 March 2021

That of Connecting to the Subconscious of Others - (4039)

For sure when our subconscious wants something it tries eagerly to connect to the subconscious of others.

It eagerly tries to find the same element in the other person. Pride to pride, laziness to laziness, lust to lust, greed to greed, criminal to criminal etc.

It does this because it knows the subconscious of the other person will co-operate with it. That is, the two subconscious' will work together to fulfill their common desire.

The ego in one subconscious tries to connect with the ego of the other person in their subconscious.

Sometimes this is done on purpose and other times it is done accidentally by bringing up a topic that has significantly bothered a person or gave or gives the person some trouble.

The best way to deal with this is by first of all noticing that the ego is there in our subconscious and it is trying to connect to the other person's subconscious and various ideas of how to connect are popping up. 

Then we can ask ourselves do we really want what the ego in the subconscious wants? When we decide for ourselves that we don't then we can do something. That something is to let that desire go and come clean as they say. In other words not want that because there are very clear, decent and powerful internal and perhaps external reasons to not want it. 

Of course we will feel the burn of sacrificing that desire but then the ease of the light will appear in us. Then we can relax and uneasy emotions etc. naturally subside. 

Then more noble feelings arise in our emotional centre which produce an even better state within us.

The lesson for us to take into account here is to relate essence to essence and with the light. Speaking about the light, i.e. the work and from the light's point of view, i.e. from the work's point of view.

End (4039).

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