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Sunday 7 March 2021

Values of the Essence: Post 1 - (4082)

Each essence is a vast ensemble of values. By values I mean qualities, virtues, attributes, abilities etc. 

There are so many values. Some of which we know, some which are so common, some of which are very uncommon and some of which we have no idea of...

What's really good to do one day, is a kind of inner inventory of what we have and what we lack. In doing this we are looking at our values. 

What we value is what is important to us and it is what strive to manifest in life and also protect. Our values are our principles, they are almost a person's inner and personal set of laws.

Each of us have our different degree and quantity of values. The values that we all have form a distributed spectrum that as a sum is complete.

Thank goodness for the distributed spectrum of values, because as all of us lack one or another value we can always find someone who has that value and can teach us that value. 

Each value is found by its opposite. If we lack a value it is because we have that value conditioned into the opposite where it is called a defect. Working on that ego that has the opposite conditioned particles of essence that express that lacking value, we acquire the value.

Next post will be about the essence and the values.

End (4082).

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