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Tuesday 9 March 2021

Values of Essence: Post 4 - (4085)

How do the values function? Either naturally or freely or in a conditioned way.

The conditioned way in which they function is via the conditioning of relativity and duality.

The values function in a conditioned way because of the occult need for compensation.

Due to the conditioning of duality, the values flip to the opposite, that is to the defect, and the defect often functions by compensating externally.

Due to the conditioning of relativity the value gets tied to a particular reference point. Then the duality conditioning flips the value to the defect and the defect works according to that reference point.

Example: to have love for our Being and our essence is the right thing, it is a value. However, we have that love conditioned in relativity and duality. We love ourselves as a person more than our Being. That is we love more the external side of ourselves than the internal. Then we love ourselves through others. That is others become our reference points to love ourselves. Where we place more value on others say than on what we we say to ourselves. If they say nice things we can love ourselves and if they say bad things we can't love ourselves.  

End (4085).

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