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Monday 22 March 2021

We Don't Have to Accept Any Strange Identities and Flavours - (4098)

We get identified with others and we adopt a certain subtle identity with them and to do with them. We do this with every group of people we are a part of. The more we like that group of people or the more attached we are the stronger identity we create.

We only really notice that we do this when we are with two opposites groups. Like when we are with our work colleagues at a work party and we then go to Gnosis class straight afterwards. At class we feel really odd, we feel that we shouldn't be at Gnosis and that we should be the engineer, the teacher, the analyst, the manager and not the Gnostic in class. This is all due to identification and the subsequent clash of identities.

When two groups are similar we don't feel such a clash or when we deeply identify with both groups going from one to another we don't feel this clash either. That is when we are naturally able to make a quick transition we are fine.

But identification is not the best thing, to be self-remembering is the much better thing. so we find that when we remember our Being we get closer to our real identity and we don't feel these kind of clashes because wherever we go we are the same person feeling the same and being the same and sticking with our the same identity, that which we experience in self-remembering. 

If we intensely practice self-remembering denouncing all these false and troublesome identities and draw closer to the identity of the Being by affirming to ourselves based on our understanding that we belong to the Being and that the Being is our true identity we can really remedy those kind of clashes.

We think if we are not identified with others we won't love them, that's true but when we are in self-remembering we love them better, from our essence which is more natural, more conscious and more powerful in emanation and also more real.

End (4098).

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