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Wednesday 17 March 2021

Worrying About what People Think - (4068)

When we are worried about what people think about us, it is a sign that our pride is alive.

That statement which comes from Master Samael is a bit puzzling at first I found. Putting aside my confusion, it means that pride is the one that worries about what others think of us, so if we work on pride we will worry less and less about what others think of us. That's the key - work on pride. 

This affects so many of us and so many of us don't have this key - to work on pride. 

The real issue of this, is what we do in our mind with the thought that 'others are thinking negatively about us', or 'will think negatively about us'. If we just have the thought and forgot it there would be no problem inside of us. But that does not happen we have problems.

We are never worried about people thinking positively about us. This does not cause problems for us.

We may infer in our mind that if others think negatively about us, then we are less than valid. We are wrong, we may think that we are not up to scratch as a whole person, we may think that we are useless, we may think that we are unworthy etc. etc. All sorts of intensely emotionally felt statements such as these take up residence in our human machine. 

Our pride really can't stand such thoughts and does not want to think and feel these things and that is quite fine, we don't have to think or feel those thoughts. However, the ego of self-compassion really likes to think these thoughts because it's job is to make us wallow in pain. So we inevitably end up thinking and feeling those things.

Also our pride does not want to transform such thoughts or feelings it would rather run from or fight those who send us impressions that have made us think or feel that way. So we end up in the hands of an angry self-compassion, that expresses itself being angry at ourselves, shooting ourselves in the foot talking negatively bout ourselves in front of others etc.

I want to say that all of those statements that the mind infers are truly false. Well it doesn't matter what I say or anyone else says but it matters what we say inside of ourselves in front of those statements that our own mind brings up. As a whole person I can not be less than valid, nor can I be useless, nor can I be unworthy, nor can I be a wrong creation etc. etc. When we really think hard about that we come to the conclusion that our own mind is wrong to think that. 

We may have an aspect that is wrong or lacking or needs correcting like all of us under the sun do, it's just a matter of us getting up and fighting inside of ourselves to correct it. We all have had to do this and all of us will have to do this an infinite number of times in the future. No big deal!

End (4068).

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