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Saturday 17 April 2021

An Adversary - (4110)

If we ever have an adversary, people polarise terribly, ill-will develops, and an enemy is created and we  go to war.

Wars, battles and fights are best solved by becoming one with your opponent. Bruce Lee said that. I like that and agree with him.

The whole art of fighting he says is becoming one with your opponent and he is right because that kills duality and duality is the cause of all conflict. This is the wise and intelligent, solar way of fighting.

So not to reject, but to study, to know, to be open to the opponent and see...

Be intelligent learn from the opponent and use the presence or scenario of the opponent to develop, strengthen, overcome weakensses within yourself. 

As soon as we use an adversary, the adversasry stops becoming an adversary for us and becomes a friend or a good situation instead, and the whole scenario is transformed or dissolves.

End (4110). 

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