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Tuesday 6 April 2021

Don't want to be Gnostic but are in a Gnostic Group - (4106)

There is that question of identifying as a Gnostic or not. We are taught not to identify with anything. But in the relativity of things some kind of identity serves a purpose.

In reality, we are Gnostic and we are not. Because we are the essence and the essence is not anything so we are not Gnostic in that respect. The essence is not Gnostic nor Christian nor buddhist etc. But yet we are working spiritually in a Gnostic school using and benefitting from the Gnostic knowledge, so we are Gnostic in that way. So we come to the conclusion that really we are, and we are not Gnostic.

However, it is interesting...

There are those people who are in Gnosis yet deep down don't want to be gnostic, they feel uncomfortable, mainly because of the ideas that they have of what that may mean to be Gnostic. Often though these people are happy to have an identity as a shaman, a healer, a spiritual journey taker, a yoga teacher, a truth seeker, a plumber, an entrepeneur etc. 

We in relativity all have a kind of an identity, to shun the Gnostic one is a contradiction if one is in a Gnostic school. Maybe we feel it means to be in a jail or but all it in essence means is to be wokring in the three factors and to respect the teachings and the masters. 

Master Smael told m.m.m that if he worked in the three factors he would be in concordance with his Being: the Logos Samael the Monad Samael.

We feel it to be in a jail because we see that to be Gnostic is to assume the 'Gnostic Personality" but of course we don't need to do that.

That is why people in Gnosis when they are not Gnostic in the way that I have mentioned above, they stand a part, or don't quite integrate with Gnosis and the school and they don't quite trust the people in Gnosis. They are often distant, always better, not quite happy, and not very co-operative with Gnostic meetings and activites etc. Just a point to reflect on, we always act out our identity. 

End (4106).

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