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Saturday 24 April 2021

Majesty is in Humility - (4105)

One of the major values in pride is majesty. The majesty of the Being in you. Majesty has to do with government, royalty, kings, queens, princes, princesses, authority, ruling, reigning etc.

The majesty as a value within us wants to rule, govern over our interior, over our inner universe, however with pride this function of majesty is exercised outside of ourselves. 

As soon as that majesty leaves us we are in trouble... While it is inside of ourselves, humility takes control of it and we can use it to restore our essence to the control seat within us.

As soon as majesty leaves us we are in relativity and pride fights to exert majesty over the majesty of others. Then fighting to be in command and to take control takes palce, and what results is friction, opposition, resistance and conflict, lots of conflicts...

End (4105).

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