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Tuesday 20 April 2021

The General Comfortable Feeling - (4111)

I think all human beings look to live in that general comfortable feeling...

I think you know what I mean by that general comfortable feeling. Normally via that feeling we enjoy our life, feeling settled, safe, secure, well etc.

There are many ways in which each human being seeks that comfortable feeling. Generally it is done through setting up settled, easy, comnfortable life circumatances. Thought also plays a major part in it, as every feeling is supported by forms of thought.

The type of thought which creates the general comfortable is often more towards fantasy than others things. A fantasy that protrays ourselves in a positive light, doing well in everything. 

Usually when things in our life are all smooth, comfortable, predicatable and controllable, no problems or challenges, this general comfortable feeling appears naturally. Often we fall nicely asleep in that comfortable feeling...

The interesting thing is when that comfortable feeling disappears. We miss it and we wish to get it back. People can do many a number of things to get it back. Most of the things have at the bottom of them the intention of displacing the thoughts that are producing the stress, the suffering, the discomfort, the worry, the bewilderment, the "can't deal with it", the "just too hard", or simply the pain and burden of it all. 

People drink, smoke, look for anything new, play video games, endlessly distract themselves, take drugs, party, go shopping, eat and eat all because those things are potent and have the power to displace the stressful thoughts and bring back that comfortable feeling. Allbeit temporarily.

After a while everything becomes routine and more and more and more potent is needed to have that effect of displacing the stress. 

When that comfortable feeling is not present we have a tremendous stimulus and opportunity to awaken a bit more.

That feeling is felt but what really exists is our consciousness in this moment right now. That feeling depends on thought but the consciousness does not depend on thought. It is always there. 

Always the solution for anyone working on him or herself is to seek the consciousness and take refuge in it. Then we can start to make ourselves more and more independent on easy life circumstances to feel comforable, safe, happy and well.

So we have no other choice but to focus on the moment, find our awarenss and know that it is all that we have. Focus on that. We can lose everything in an instant but never can we lose that, which is that which we really are, our consciousness. 

There are no bases in reality but our own consciousness. 

End (4111).

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