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Monday 10 May 2021

Crazy Feeling - (4128)

There is this feeling that people in the work and the path feel from time to time. That feeling is: "I'm crazy" or "you're crazy!".

To a part of ourselves we do seem crazy. When we feel that, it is because a mini separation allbeit very temporary has occurred.

Usually the lower part remarks: "you're crazy" and the upper part says nothing, and then at times it is the other way around. The 'upper part' says "we are crazy", this is the worst kind actually, because this is when we are doing something dangerous or really silly.

Anyway what I wanted to say is that this feeling of "I'm crazy" is due to a split second's separation. Where the higher part separates from the lower part and the there appears two logics. We are for a second aligned with one logic more than the other and the natural thing to remark is: "I'm crazy".

Of couse to the higher parts of ourselves closer to our Being it is perfecrtly logical to be making a sacrifice that will benefit the work for the Being, but the lower parts will see this as crazy as they are not as close to the Being and think more in line with matter and life.

End (4128).

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