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Wednesday 5 May 2021

Every Practice Gives Merit - (4122)

Every practice we do generates merit. Some of that merit goes to us and some goes to the Being for It's uses for now or the future or who knows what mysteries It has in store. 

So to generate merit - we have to practice heaps right. Give heaps right. Enter into sacrifice right. A short practice we don't feel the heat of sacrifice but a longer one we certainly do. Give $5 we don't feel anything give $50 we feel it.

Sacrifice is to consciously drop an inferior thing to get a superior thing. Sometimes in truth you get a superior thing but sometimes just sometimes we are mistaken and we think we are dropping an inferior thing for something superior but we may be dropping a superior thing for a inferior thing then we get pain mate and karma! 

Sacrifice pays always either in the superior or the inferior. The superior is light and freedom but the inferior is pain and more difficulty.

End (4122).

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