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Wednesday 26 May 2021

Precious Notes About Relationships that are for the Work - (4144)

These are not my words, but things that I have heard being spoken.

In a relationship for the work both people are mortal. Only the Being of each is immortal. The best place to leave the one we love is in the hands of their Immortal Being...

If we love really the other, we will promote, facilitate, push that he or she advances and draws closer to their Immortal Being, because we know that is the best place for he or she to be...

We will know that we can not give the other what their Being can...

We would also know that only our Being can give us what we are truly looking for: fulfillment, inner peace, deep meaning, love, wisdom, force...

Having our Being close and closer makes the relationship abundantly better. So the work for the Being in each one is the glue and lifeline of the relationship.

To have the work first, means that we would always take the work with us when we relate with the other. We would naturally relate to the other through the work.

If there is an activity for the work then one would push the other to attend, because the more one works the better for him or her and the relationship.

If there is love, if there is real conscious love, that love will have the power in each one to surpass themselves, that is to surpass the protests and needs of the mind, personality and egos to allow the other the time and space to work so as to draw closer to their Being.

In a relationship that is for the work, it makes sense that the work would be established as the foundation stone. That is so significant! It is so hard to see and accept, it so often just goes over the top of our head, even when we know it.

The above is really the first thing that should be established. If the foundation of a house is not strong, solid or correctly set, the walls of the house will crack and buckle, and one day collapse. The house mentioned here is the relationship for the work.

Meanwhile the work has not been established between the two, things don't quite add up, things don't align, there are differences, there are disagreements and issues that appear often or regularly even. 

What does establishing the work mean? Among many things, it means that the work is made to come first or at least be of very high priority. Higher than the ego and the ways of the personality.

Why to feed so much the personality and the various egos when the work is to dissolve both of them. Even if we do nothing the personality will die when the body dies... The work in a person understands this statement and finds great meaning in it. While the personality dreads and curses it.

All the problems persist, with karma and recurrences being one of them, meanwhile the personality and egos are in control.

A real gratitude is felt for the other who we can work with. If we just knew all the debts we have against the Holy Spirit, we would kneel down before the one who has agreed to work with us. Because it is really by some grace from above that we have someone in front of us that would work with us to help clear those debts. 

The other in a work relationship is an ally of our Being. So it makes sense to treat an ally of our Being well...with respect, with hope...

What is very important is the will of both. While both want to work and work with each other all will progress. When that will in both or one drops to a too low a level then problems of a serious nature begin to arise.

To be updated during the day...

End (4144).

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