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Thursday 6 May 2021

Seal up the Injustice Leaks - (4124)

This is something we find that we have to look at inside of ourselves as well.

Last night m.m.m was telling me that attending to the injustice inside arranges justice outside.

We may be asking for help which is right but we may have many things in our life where we are acting injustly. It is like we are pouring water into a container that has holes in it. What we need is life giving water which comes to us but because our container is full of holes we are left with very little help.

If we need to ask for help there is always something that is not quite in order or right or fair in our thoughts, attitudes, feelings and behaviour...

We may find it but we don't want to give it up. Maybe that sacrifice of giving that up will lead to the solution we are asking for. 

To even begin to start to inquire we need to forget about us, yes us being right. Open up to consider that we may be wrong or that we do not see something that we do not know about. 

End (4124).


  1. I feel I want to share something.
    There is something samael says in the work Tarot and kabbalah that has come up again and again in my comprehension and understandings of Karma and paying Karma.
    Samael says that "Jesus payed the highest octave of Karma possible on the mount of Golgotha". Early on I understood it as Jesus payed our karma, but later on I thought more that how can he pay something that isn't his? Now I understand that the "I am" within Christ does not see a difference between his karma and ours. That seprativity thinking like that is a heresy and not reality.
    I understand more now that our karma is in accordance with the Being and a medicine... Period. Whether it is a medicine for me or a medicine for others is not relative, what matters is it is medicine for the Consciousness and we can benefit from that medicine and be healed by it. Obviously Karma is a very expansive topic, many types. But in synthesis what is most pronounced to me now about such a statement by Samael is the statement "highest octave".
    I see now that we can pay Karma in higher or lower octaves. When we live a undeniably karmic situation at a higher octave, we allow that bucket to have less or no holes, fill, and then over flow. We can even multiply that with the holy spirit within us and have more than we were at first given.
    We live within Karma, karma processes within circumstances and time. The higher the octave we live our karmic circumstances the more we can help the Being as a whole, which includes people in our lives. We may see our tragic karmic circumstances as painful, unpleasant, something we'd rather negotiate away. But in reality these karmic circumstances were created by the same Being that emanates from the absolute. Jesus didn't see who He Is as any different than who We are. When we stop considering our sperate life so much, we can see that our Karma is undeniably almost indiscriminately entangled with everyone else. If one point in that entanglement free's it's light to shine, others will see it, feel it and benefit from it, whether we're Conscious of it or not. The more humility we incarnate, the more we will see this mysterious fact.
    So how can we pay our karma at a higher octave? It is clear. When we sacrifice the inferior value of my person in the circumstance, we sacrifice my identification with my problem, my tragedy, my goals, my work, my worth,
    the myself... Period!
    We will have the revelation; that which is Karma, is a medicine. The better we can participate in that Conscious sacrifice, the freer we allow that life to flow for the benefit of all Beings... Especially those in our karmic circumstance, entangled with us most. The higher the octave the greater the sacrifice, the greater the sacrifice the higher the return.
    The Being can help us in ways we could never imagine, the greater the trust and freedom we give to the Being, the more mysterious and expansive the help can be.

    1. Thank you very much for sharing that very profound and insightful comment. Very helpful and I apreciate it a lot. That's the key I'm repeating to myself when we sacrifice the inferior value of my person, my wrong, my right my etc. in the drama we arrive at the solution. Thank you very much once again.
