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Thursday 13 May 2021

The Demanding Person No. 1 - (4130)

We are here to pay and to give, not to demand and receive.

The sooner we understand that the better... 

The sooner we base ourselves in the side of loving others over ourself the better we are prepared...

Meanwhile we are not really prepared to do that we are unjust, we are wanting to receive everything and give little...

It really hurts to make this change but unfortunately, just the way it is, until we don't make this change, this shift, things all remain slightly open only...

Sometimes we are so slow to get that... 

To aspire to the path we need to give, we need to work for it, we need to pay for it. Who says that it should be given to us? It is given to us after having worked for it, paid for it...

The demanding person that wishes to receive and demands to receive has not got that yet, and the only thing that he or she can give others is a gymnasium. There are so many students like this. They don't give of real sacrifice value to the centre, but only a gymnasium, that is the only value they are capable of giving.

We can be certain to say that any selfish person needs to work on themselves, by stopping the need to be pampered and to give, to sacrifice for others. Where is someone like that going in the work? How are they going to be useful to the work of the Absolute? Which is to help reunite all the Beings to take up their place within it! Bugger all not useful at all, only useful to themsleves, or to others for a short while because it is in their interest to be good to others to get something from them that they want. Astuteness and selfish go hand in hand.

End (4130).

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