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Tuesday 25 May 2021

Notes on Trust and Love - (4140)

Trust and love are everywhere, so is patience and so many other qualities...

We may not trust in love... Yet love is said to be one of the most powerful forces in the Cosmos... 

It is taught that love is the fabric of the Cosmos, it is everywhere, behind everything and it is what holds everything together in its march. So it is so very powerful! How can anyone deny that?

What is the sun doing but loving us all the time. Giving us life, light and warmth...the very substance of love.

We may not trust that it can come through for us or prevail or organise things or solve things or move things or maintain things or lead things or direct things or carry us forward through things etc. etc.

Because of the egos of others and the mistakes of others we can lose our trust in the power of love, feeling that it is not strong enough to correct things to change for the better. Well, it may well be not strong enough or it may seem that it is not strong enough or it will either change and get stronger or we are not sure what it will do... Anyway, we can always trust in our love that is in our heart. That love that is in our own heart we can know about and manage, because it is ours, it belongs to us, it is in our hands... The love that is, or not is, in the other person, is something we can't control. Rightfully so because it is not our heart, our heart is in our chest right here not over there in another person...

We don't love anyone really... I know a tough thing to say but read on...What there really is, is that there is love inside of us as a glowing sun and anyone who comes close to us is touched by the love of that glowing sun. So we love everyone by virtue of that glowing sun which is the love that our Being has inside of Itself, which is brought alive  here in the physical world from us as essences loving our Being. 

Sometimes we have to trust in the power of our love to pull a person or two people or a group through a difficult time. Sometimes too we can't be naive and believe that when everything is saying it is just too heavy to shoulder it all, that we can do it. Sometimes we can't and sometimes we really can and in either way love leads the way, its particular way...

But when there is real love the truth that is applicable here is that it will always come back to us, somehow some way it will come back to us.

After a while we come to love the work. That love for the work sustains us and propels us forward towards our Being. That love that we have, can be trusted in to sustain us and keep us firm no matter what circumstances we pass through.

If we teach others to love the work that is one of the best things we can do for them. Because that love being so powerful will hold them strong!

End (4140).

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