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Sunday 13 June 2021

Ethics and the Path - (4161)

The path has its ethics. I don't think we can deny this...

The ethics of the path is what distinguishes it from so many other spiritual schools and movements.

There exists what is called cosmic moral laws, which are a part of the path or are not indifferent to the path. Cosmic moral laws are the psychological aspect of the cosmic laws, that's all.

The ethics of the path is its foundation and its strength.

A person upholding the ethics of the path is his or her strength, protection and guide.

One could even say that the path is a gradual incarnation of the ethics of the spirit.

What are ethics? It is the upholding of the principles and laws of the spirit and the cosmos.

It only makes sense to say that ethics are to be upheld. If the sun were to forget about upholding its ethic of giving of itself everyday, life in the solar system would suffer. But the Sun never fails in giving - it never fails its ethic.

Just one of the ethics of the path says that if the Kundalini is awake and there is the loss of the sexual energy then the kundalini will descend depending on the degree of the fault.

Technical skills and ethics are very different.

Normally we don't pay attention to morals because we know they change and depend upon time and space. But ethics are really different. They prevail over space and time, personality and mind.

The ethics of the path are the ethics of perfection. There are degrees and degrees. The ethic of the work is the work towards its ultimate goal which is the perfection of the different parts of the Being.

The dissolution of the ego supports ethics and the ethics of the path requires the dissolution of the ego.

End (4161). 

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