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Wednesday 9 June 2021

Why the Divine Mother and the Dissolution - (4156)

Begging the Divine Mother to dissolve any conditioning of our essence accelerates the dissolution of that conditioning resulting in freeing the essence. 

This key was not given to us because the mother is the closest thing to us and the easiest thing for us to relate to. No! It is because esoterically it is the most effective way. 

Who God damn it has more wisdom and authentic power over our inner universe than the mother of our inner universe. She is in each atom of our inner universe. She is the power of life and the power of death and has the authentic right of the absolute to give life and take life. She is the mother of the essence, what the essence comprehends and makes redundant she can break down. She is an electronic force that can pierce any egoic molecular composition. The ego is molecular and She is electronic.

Where we can’t undo the conditioning She can. 

She is more powerful than us and can work quicker than we can. She is 30,000 times quicker than the mind and ego.

The key of the Divine Mother was given to Master Samael to help him because he had reached his limit.

If we think we don’t need our Divine Mother it is simply because we havn’t come close to reaching our limit. We just havn’t worked deep enough yet.

The Divine Mother is the energy of creation the fire of creation and the fire creates and destroys, radically at that.

If all those who dissolved their conditionings, freed their essence and finished the great work had to beg and beg their Divine mother to dissolve the ego what are we doing believing in others who have not dissolved all their egos and have not finished the great work and say not to work with the Divine Mother? To me that does not make sense it is against the timeless tradition, what backing up of the mystery school teachings do such people have to say that? To me such people are misleading souls. That is not a kind thing to do to the essences and what reward can one expect delaying the spiritual work of others?

The other parts of the Being do not harness this energy so fully and directly as the Divine Mother. I am no one to say the other parts of the Being don’t help I believe they do but it is the Divine Mother that handles that energy most fully and it is that energy that creates and dissolves everything!

End (4156).

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