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Friday 16 July 2021

Deal Directly with the Monad of the Other Person - (4188)

This is a practical key that really works.

If you are having trouble with another person. See first of all that person as being an essence that has a Monad. 

To not see this I emphasis is a fatal mistake! It is where our problems and weaknesses all begin.

When we see the other person as an essence we shift to an essence level where we can relate to that essence. I want to say that the way we relate to the essence is through values. WE RELATE TO THE ESSENCE WITH VALUES OF THE ESSENCE!

Then we can act with these values to benefit the essence. Without fear that we are doing the wrong thing.

We are then in the right position through prayer to converse to the Monad of the other person asking for help to control Its vehicle so to co-operate with the path which will only enhance Its essence.

We are not in the right position when we are in the ego to ask the Monad of the other person for co-operation because that would be unjust and I respectfully think that the help of the other's Monad would not be forthcoming.

End (4188).

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