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Sunday 18 July 2021

Life does not see the Path - (4190)

This post is about the contrast between life and the path in people and in relationships.

Normally in life we relate life to life. But when we start our esoteric studies we add a new dimension to our lives. This new dimension is the path.

It takes a while to add this new dimension and a bit more time to embrace it.

Before or even while we are in the process of adding this new dimension to our life we normally don't see the path in people we tend to see life in people. Then when it comes to relationships we tend to see the potential for life in another person but not so much their potential for the path.

Of course this is so normal because we are in life.

We may see that another person does not have certain qualities in life and we feel disappointed. We feel disappointed because our centre of gravity is life for now.

When we begin to change our centre of gravity to the path the qualities another person has in the path and for the path become more important and more valuable to us.

We can actually have certain qualities in the path and not have the same quality in life. For example a person can be very punctual in working on impressions and the manifestations of the ego in him or herself but in life can often not be very punctual. While our centre of gravity is life we don't see the path octave of the quality, we only see the life octave of the quality and if it is lacking in life we feel disappointend.

We can teach ourselves to see the path in others. We will when we are more path than life, but even if we are more life we can start to do that, because doing that will accelerate us becomming more path - that is shifting our centre of gravitty to the path.

After a while we come to learn that the best way to relate is path to path. This is really the best. Relating path to life is not really that good, too many difficulties. 

The first relationship that we should have before a relationship with anyone to do the path is a relationship with the path. We need to forge our own relationship with the path before anything else.

That makes a lot of sense. Because both will work for the path and help each other on the path. The qualities of the path such as the respect for each other's work will be present. The resepct for the work of the three factors will be present and for the work that each one does in each factor. There won't be criticism, scpeticism and depreciation for the work of any of the three factors - there will be support. The motivation helping each other to work will be present. The love for the path will be present. If there is love for the path there is love for each other and love for others looking and working for the path. Each other will sacrtifice happily for the benefit of each other's path rather than demand from the point of view of life and drag one back to life.

If both have a relationship with the path the better it will be for their paths and their life together.

End (4190).

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