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Thursday 8 July 2021

Esoteric Path Notes - (4184)

Introduction - Practical Approach

This post is a collection of points that I have learnt, are learning and are re-learning. They are all very practical as they have been learnt practically.


The time comes to decide to consider the path as real or not. When we decide it is real for us, this is the begining of getting serious. All unfolds from this point. 

If the path is real Master Samael is real, the Gnostic teachings are real and those who are on the path and have finished the path are real. Our path too can become a reality.

Work and Path

We need to know this to not get confused. There is the path and then there is the work. There are systems and schools of the work and of the path. THEY ARE DIFFERENT! 

Schools of the path adhere to, and schools of the work use as a compliment. Because schools of the path will give you both the work and the path, while schools of the work will only give you the work. But because the path is lacking in these schools, the work that they give you can be good, very good but incomplete.

Life and Path

Life and the path are different. Some things are transferrable such as punctuality, responsibility, respect, diligence, hard work, persistence, but certainly not everything. I wrote about that, please see this post: life and the path.


There is always definition required! Constantly! Over and over again. One has to define oneself, which means dedicate oneself to go ahead, which means to embrace more the path and clear the way of many hinderances that prevent this.

This can be very painful. The processes of definition are a battle. A battle to be won! Hook or by crook a battle to be won. The path in you must win.

Why all this defintion? Because the very nature of the path is  one where we have to put all of our life into it. Stake one's whole life. Focus one's whole life. Because the path is one's life. I believe all the masters of the past have taught us that.

Reference Points

This is critical who we chose as a reference point. If you want the path chose the path as a reference point. Which means chose the teachings of the path, the people and activities of the path. Not a Catholic priest or a buddhist monk or a psychologist but someone walking the path.

Reference points not of the path may be very helpful in the short term but in the long term for the path they end up being counter productive if one is not alert.  Remember impressions work invisibly in time!


Trust the path. Trust life less. If you trust the path and give to the path by the Law of reciprocity it has to trust in you and give you help and provide you with all that you need to walk forward.

The path is your life, to walk the path we need to make it our life. Conclusion we find that we have to trust the path to walk it happily without fear. Trusting it will support and look after us.


Give to the path to receive of the path. We have to give first. If we have nothing to give we must give with our hope, our yearnings etc.

Logic and Ways of Thinking

There is the logic of the path and there is the logic of life. They are at odds many times. What is logical for the path is illogical for life and vice versa.

There is the logic of nature and the logic of the path which is the logic of favouring the development of the essence. The logic of life and nature favour the personality, the mind and the sensibility of the egos.


The path is in you and in others. It is not in a book or in a temple or in a country but in you and others and in activities. It is in your choices and in your decisions and in your conduct. It is in your thinking, feeling and actions and it is in your yearnings and hope.

The path is shown to others through a person who is walking the path. In other words you will find the path in their words, their actions, their knowledge and experience.


Before the path we owe the work to ourselves, but on the path we owe our work to the path. We must work as the path requires. The path is characterised by its ethics, which are nothing other than the values of our Inner Being and the laws of the Cosmos.

Practical Tips

When one is losing the path, to go a bit fanatical until it safely comes back is not a bad thing. It is not wrong.


The path has its own principles and laws. Once again very different to those of life.


The path has its decisions. What we decide sets up our path or ruins it. There is always the contrast of chosing between life and the path. Some decisions are not so critical and some we can recover from if they were poorly made and some are very very hard to recover from. 


The path orders your work. The path puts demands on your work. The path requires octaves from your work.

Not Practicing - Doing

Practices help but what matters and counts most is to act for the path and act on the path. We need practices to show us with clarity of how to act.

Inventory for the Path

It is not a bad idea to write down for ourselves an inventory of the qualities we have in favour of the path and the qualities we lack for the path or have against the path.


Calling the Being - Calling the Masters

Stay close to the path. One way to stay close to the path is to get into close touch with our Inner Being and the masters who have finished the path or who are on the path. Whether they have a physical body or not. Prayers and invocations, self-remembering are gems...

Yet to be finished...

End (4184).

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