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Wednesday 18 August 2021

An "I" Comes Back - (4211)

It seems that some "I's" really do go away when certain circumstances change in our life. 

Some go away for a good while then come back and some come back fairly quickly and some don't come back. 

Like when we start a new job, laziness goes away but may come back when we settle into the new job.

Anyway it seems that in general the big egos may go away but they will come back. This is something to keep in the back of our mind...

When they come back their return is interesting. Remember the ego is under the Law of Return, that is what it does best - return!

It's important to never forget that when an ego comes back and out it is for us to work on it and do away with it. That's the bottom line.

When an ego comes back we usually see it in our dreams first. That's a notification and time for us to get working!

There is usually some incident or event that triggers it or brings it up. Then impressions follow that further activate it. Then if we feed it, guess what? It's back!

So here's the key for us. If it has come back just recently - cut the impressions and don't feed it. If it is coming back act ahead of time and don't allow any events or incidents or impressions to come your way or enter your psyche.

Doing this will give you space between you and it and your work on it will be more effective! Because you have separation!

End (4211).

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