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Thursday 19 August 2021

Weakness Remedy Points - (4214)

True we have our weaknesses, all kinds of weaknesses. There are those that we can remedy easily and quickly and those that take time and then there are those that we have tried and tried and have had them for years and they are still there creating the same problems and difficulties for ourselves and others.

Well in the latter case something that we are doing is not working. That's the obvious conclusion.

It may mean that we need help. That we need so seek help from other sources - human and divine. 

But one thing that is for sure true that applies to all weaknesses, is that a weakness is always a lack of consciousness in a particular area.

A lack of consciousness in a particular area!!!

Another truth is, that we can learn the strength that heals that weakness. We can learn it! Others have learnt it and others may even have it naturally (they learnt it before) and if they have it so can we! We have strengths that they don't have which they can learn from us but strengths that we ahve learnt. That's always the way.

So that's where we need to start - increase our consciounsess in that area. So we really need to start off by reading about the strength which is the opposite of the weakness. Read and read, study and study until it starts to gel and sink in. Ask and ask until it sinks in. Then we are starting to get somewhere our consciousness is starting to grow a bit.

Then self-observe deeply and through all the subtle levels, because absolutely for sure we are ignoring something underneath it all. We have to find the subtle thoughts just before we make our usual mistakes with that weakness. There is always some underlying factors we are not conscious of yet. We can read and get ideas about them and then look inside of ourselves to find them using what we read or study as a guide. This really helps a lot actually. Reading from others who have overcome that weakness helps immensely. Talking to others who ahve also overcome it or don't have or have it but are working on it helps too.

In such cases Gnosis may not have the detailed guidance for that particular weakness so we have to find specfic books on it or seek specific help related to that. But Gnosis will certaily give you always the general principles to follow to dissolve or transform the weakness.

So these are just some general points that may be helpful. That's all.

End (4214).

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for these inspiring blog posts. I like the use of bold text in this post to make key insights stand out. Very helpful.
