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Monday 9 August 2021

Weaknesses, Adversity and Rather Be a Cat - (4205)

Weaknesses so many people have. Many weaknesses we have. We can't deny that if we be honest with ourselves. 

It is very positive to know our weaknesses. To accept them and work to comprehend them is even better. 

It is helpful to know what a weakness is. I have heard that it is really a strength misapplied. I repeat a strength misapplied. When we reflect on this we see that there is truth to it.

So to correct the weakness we need to take that strength and put it into the right time and space and work to develop the right quality where our weakness currently is. 

Many times we will find that the time and space for that strength/weakness was years ago and not now, and now it is time for something new... Sometimes we just need to move that weakness to other moments where it is a strength... 

We need adversity to grow! Only our values come to work in adversity. Life is full of adversity and to grow what matters the most is that we can manage to get the strength anyhow we can to face the challenges that adversity brings to our life.

In times of adversity to want to be a cat where everything is taken care no problems or worries is a backward growth. Because a part of ourselves remembers involution and how simple, worry free and easy life is sliding backwards. But the consciousness also knows that the conscious human state is mainly won by overcoming problem after problem. 

End (4205).

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