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Sunday 5 September 2021

Consult the Being before Esoteric Decisions - (4226)

We are so corectly taught to consult our inner Being before we make any decision that will affect our esoteric work.

We forget and we don't consult our Being we may get it right but most likely we will get it wrong.

Getting it wrong we will not feel right inside. We will drop back in our work that our Being needs to do. Our Being needs to do some particular work before the Law (because we have karma still) and if we stop our Being we start to get into trouble before the Law, because we are no longer fulfilling that agreement.

If we consult our Being before making decisions and we spend time to know and listen we will feel strong and clear and we know the right thing to do and we will have the force to do it.

If we make the worng decision then we will know that we have if we listen to our interior carefully and we can amend it, if we can.

Every choice matters!

End (4226).

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