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Tuesday 21 September 2021

Laziness Can be a Wide Foundation - (4233)

Laziness can be much more than spots of laziness, for example the laziness we feel to get up early or exercise or complete our tax return.

Laziness can be something of a psychological foundation, by which so many attitudes and actions derive.

Laziness is inertia and passivity. Laziness is extended repose, in fact the distortion of repose. Laziness manages time typically by delaying things, postposing things and by inserting large blocks of time before difficult events or arduous labours.

Laziness works with pride and also fear. Because of laziness we feel fear and laziness can also be a reason for many manifestations of pride. I'll write a bit about these two combinations a little later.

The remedy for laziness is actually conscious faith. Even confidence or trust can remedy laziness. 

When we contemplate doing something that is seemingly not going to be easy we feel fear and even a kind of resistance or inertia which is laziness. If we have faith we can banish these feelings of laziness. Because we know our abilities we know that with effort and applied attention our consciousness will come to help us. It may take a little time but it will activate and help us and we will solve the difficult situation, work through it or get the job done. 

Even such things as conflicts between people we can feel lazy about. In fact I am discovering that behind the dislike or resistance to do with inter-personal conflicts is laziness. Because with faith we know that solving conflicts is about using our consciousness and about working on ourselves psychologically. When we feel that we can't we feel a lot of weakness, fear and avoidance related to conflicts which actually in the end hurls us into more difficult circumstances with heavier conflicts. 

Because of laziness we can have a passive pride. A pride that does not launch forward and attack but a pride that waits and avoids direct conflict. Pride often in relation to laziness protects it, justifying and excusing it. 

End (4233).

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