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Monday 6 September 2021

Pendulum Swings - (4229)

We can observe that there are many pendulum swings in our life. When we are swinging on the pendulum, it is because we have missed or ignored our balance point.

When we are at our balance point we are stable and we don't swing on the pendulum.

We can be swinging on a pendulum in so many things, in so many areas of life, each swinging on their own particular pendulum, each with their own rhythm and magnitude of swing.

Remember the balance point is relative. It is relative to our points of reference. Which for us is the Being, the work and the path.

Our behaviour and well being is subject to these natural laws. To ignore the natural laws is always to bring pain to our lives.

To be swinging on the pendulum is frankly painful. To be at balance is sweet, peaceful and happy. 

The mind ignores natural laws and specialises with its ideas, plans and desires at passing over these nautural laws. Thus bringing about our own unhappiness.

We have to know our points of reference and make the choice that is the will of the Being in us. We find that will easily when we make some wrong choices and something inside of us feels very uncomfortable.

The key about the law of pendulum is that we initiate its swing when we allow some "I" in us or some other factor to offset us from the nature of our reference points. For example, we substitute an activity of sacrifice for one of less or very little sacrifice. Or if we are within our reference points we can swing on the pendulum when we allow an "I" to push more than or withdraw more than our nature can assimilate or has been assimilating. For example, ambition makes us to meditate three hours when we only do one and a half, then we will swing on the pendulum and soon we will be doing 10 minutes of meditation. 

End (4229).

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