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Thursday 9 September 2021

Relate to Bothersome Thoughts Like Butterflies and Fluff - (4231)

While we have the ego, we have the subconscious and we have to know for ourselves the best way to relate to the bothersome thoughts that these two factors generate.

The best way I have found is to see these thoughts and give them the least importance. Definitely see them and recognise them but don't think a single thought more about them. Certainly do not fight them or counteract them or get scared, worried or bothered by them. Treat them as if they were butterflies flying ever so lightly from one tree to the next.

To be worried about them or give them importance makes them a problem and something we have to fight against and that fighting against them only strengthens them and makes things worse for us. Being worried about them brings them more into our mind as does being scared of them. If we give them importnace it is like we are giving the absurd validity. If someone says something stupid it is so obvious is invalid that it does not warrant us or anyonme else paying it attention, well the same with these thoughts. We should not give them importance or our attention. That makes them valid and our mind sees that and keeps them longer in our mind.

If you as soon as one of these thoughts appears, just go totally silent around it and let it go ever so quietly and gently. If it persists just keep doing exactly the same thing as many times as it takes. Imagine it to be a piece of light fluff that the wind blows onto your jacket. You then gently pick it up off your jacket and let the wind carry it off out of your fingers. We have to do exactly the same thing with these thoughts.   

This really helps...

End (4231).

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