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Friday 8 October 2021

Gaps are to be Filled - (4239)

Gaps in our psychic and physical life are treated by being filled - filled with consciousness.

Gaps always indicate some kind of incompleteness or mismatching.

Through a gap can enter qualities or substances that are undesirable to us. Often that is the case with the gaps that are to do with our psychological values, qualities or virtues.

Because of a gap in our trust for someone, some strange feelings, that is some we have experienced before and others we havn't, can appear in us. 

Then again because we have gaps in our egoic structure, that is because it is not a solid block that covers our whole psyche, the light of our consciousness can enter our psyche.

If we have a gap in our understanding about something for example, we need to work on our understanding to deepen or expand it and fill in any gaps. 

Gaps are about a lack of awareness and are solved by bringing more awareness.

Because we have a gap in our love for another person we fall prey to jealousy. If there is no gap of love or trust in us jealousy has to cause to appear.

If there is a gap in our faith and trust in ourselves, life, the Being, the work, we feel fear.

When there is a gap between what we say and what happened we are lying.

The only gaps we can manage really are time gaps. All the other kind of gaps are there just to be closed as soon as we can.

Between us achieving a goal and where we are now right there is a time gap. As we work towards our goal the gaps narrow. 

Reality gaps are best closed too. Whern we have reality gaps in us we are in fantasy. Or we are doing something to 75 degrees but everyone knows that we are only doing 45 degrees. There is an information gap that later on proves problematic. All updates serve to close information gaps. 


End (4239).

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