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Tuesday 12 October 2021

Takes Two to Make One - (4242)

To get one, two is needed. Meaning two individuals are needed before the two individuals can merge into one.

This says that a clear distinction is first needed amongst the two individuals to create harmony between the two people. 

How interesting... It goes contrary to the common way of thinking...  

Two people who are a mixture of each other according to this wise statement can not make one. That is they will never arrive at a kind of harmony that leads to a long and deep kind of happiness. In other words a unity of wills will be hard to come bye.

"Tie two birds together and even though they have four wings they can not fly."

The two columns of the temple should be a distance apart for the light to enter.

Another very interesting anecdote I was told recently is that relationships are about multiplication not addition because in relationships things only really multiply. So a half times a half equals a quarter but one times one equals one. So if we are half of each other or only half ourselves the relationship of two half people will bring an overall less - a quarter. Meaning less happiness and less fulfillment.

End (4242).

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