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Sunday 31 October 2021

Why Don't the Clairvoyant Healers See the Initiatic Path? - (4270)

I don' really know because I am not one...

But I have often wondered that, why these people with great seeing faculties don't see the initiatic path.

Just because the blind man can't see the Sun, doesn't mean that the Sun does not exist...

I also wondered that if they did see the initiatic path why wouldn't they follow it. Why don't they talk to you about the trials, the tests, the initiations, the purifications, the negotiations with the Law etc.

One thing that is true is that they have the right to chose to follow it or not follow it if they see it...

Is their vision limited or conditioned to not see it? It is because it is not their path and so they don't see it? It is of no interest to them so they don't see it? If they were to pursue the path would they have to renounce their faculties and so that would mean their mission in life would change and that is not what is meant to happen for them and so they don't see it? I don't know really - but it is a curious thing that always made me think...

They often don't talk about the path - does that mean that they have not seen it yet as Master Samael and others who self-realised saw it and walked it?

End (4270).

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