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Monday 22 November 2021

Inferiority Makes for Jealousy - (4289)

A feeling or belief about being inadequate or inferior is fertile psychological grounds for jealousy to grow.

We may feel less and that is manageable but as soon as someone else who is better in some way or another appears then jealousy rears its ugly head as it is said.

These are the two 'as old as it comes' conditions for jealousy to appear in us. 

They also give us the remedy.

Which are: don't compare and don't feel inferior. To stop feeling inferior we need to close the gaps. Feel well and complete with yourself and feel well and complete with the other person.

That inferior feeling can be about anything. We may due to our coldness and lack of ability to care or love other people, feel inferior to others who are very warm and kind. We may feel inferior in certain capacities such as knowledge, intelligence, patience, kindness, flexibility of character, strength of character, physical aspects such as looks, body etc. etc. the list can go on and on. The main thing is that there is a feeling of inferiority in some field, and that feeling of inferiority is the issue, because it is believed that that field is important and it well be important to the other person or people we relate to. 

End (4289).

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