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Monday 1 November 2021

Lost in Archetypes - (4272)

We can get easily lost in archetypes. 

They are good though to teach us about the different qualities that exist.

Obviously some of the qualities we have or admire, do correspond more to one particular archetype than others.

What gets in the way are the different "I's" that we have.

The "I's" that we have interfere with our relationship to the archetype qualities. We may relate well with them or not so well. 

We can focus on the qualities and assess our relationship to them and that way see the different "I's" we have that do not relate well with those qualities.

In the end we have to get practical about those qualities, which means knowing the "I's" that interfere or make the relationship poor and then work and work to weaken and dissolve those "I's".

End (4272).

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