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Tuesday 9 November 2021

Sacrifice Notes - (4281)

It is a fuel. It is our currency.

It is the fuel that we use to drive the engine of our car forward towards our inner Being on the path.

It is the currency through which we pay for our advances and developments. Even for the experience of certain inner states.

It is the conscious choice of one good superior to another. It is an action of the consciousness.

There is sacrifice directed inside or outside of ourselves. However, all sacrifice starts within us.

We cringe at the word sacrifice. One of the aims of this post is to change the perception we have of sacrifice, from that of something of a deep seated cringe to something that is important and holds value  and is something that we know that works for us and is something that we need.

There are bitter and joyful sacrifices. Love, real love when it is present sacrifices joyfully.

There are degrees and degrees of sacrifice.

Each sacrifice has a value. 

Some sacrifices pay so handsomely.

There are sacrifices that are one off and others that continue for years.

There are sacrifices of higher value and sacrifices of lower value. There are useful and useless sacrifices.

There is the sacrifice of our pain, our desires, our identity, our egoic attitudes and stand points, our mental reasoning, our pride, our wishes, our time, our health, our life, our possessions, our plans, etc. etc.

Useless sacrifices occur all the time and occur when the view of reality is not present, in other words when the consciousness is not present.

We have to keep our sacrifices going. We can't stop. The Sun never goes on holiday and the Christ doesn't stop sacrificing itself for the whole of life.

It is all that moves us in our development.

Sacrifice after a while becomes something enjoyable because we do it with our heart.

Basically when we understand sacrifice we love it because it feels so loving and unifying because we gave from the heart and when we do that we are close to our Being.

Our Being sacrifices for us.

Our Intimate Christ does, our Divine Mother does. It is actually a part of the Divine conscious nature.

Nature sacrifices us for its purposes. Nature sacrifices for life, where as the spirit sacrifices in life. See in nature the animals below are eaten or sacrificed for others to eat. 

In every sacrifice something is lost for something else to appear or be gained.

Blood and sacrifice are intimately and magically related.

Sacrifice works magically and esoterically. It moves values and sets up new causes. Whereas fighting unethically does not do that and does not pay. 

What we get through sacrifice is authentically awarded and stays with us. What we get unethically without sacrifice leaves us one day.

There are very visible sacrifices and very invisible sacrifices.

The consciousness knows about sacrifice, knows how to sacrifice and has the force to sacrifice.

To sacrifice brings your consciousness forward.

Each ego does not want to sacrifice. 

The Christ is the Holy denying which means sacrifice. To deny the ego is to sacrifice.

We have to know how to sacrifice. We have to teach ourselves and learn from others on the path how they do it.

Sacrifice after a while becomes mechanical and so we need to bring it up an octave so that it is conscious - then it is sacrifice again.

Sacrifice is very intimately linked with the Christic force, that is with the Intimate Christ.

Sacrifice is related to balance and the Law of Reciprocity. Why? Because in every sacrifice there is give and take - reciprocity. With sacrifice balance is transcended to establish balance at a higher octave...

Sacrifice itself is a law. It is accumulative and infinite.

A superior law washing away an inferior law is sacrifice. The inferior law is sacrificed to the superior law. The Divine Law sacrifices...

Mastery of anything is built upon sacrifice. It is the one indispensable law to move up in the level of the Being.

Degeneration is the inverse of sacrifice.

End (4281).

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