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Sunday 7 November 2021

Sexual Hydrogen Si-12 Notes - (4277)

The sexual centre produces the sexual hydrogen Si-12. The hydrogen Si-12 is the energy-substance that is used within us to create the bodies Master Samael teaches us.

The sexual hydrogen Si-12 comes from the raw sexual energy. It is the result of sexual transformations, not psychological or other kinds of transformation. That is, it is the result of the raw sexual energy transmuted directly.

Sexual energy is better seen and understood as creative energy. Which is the energy that creates in many different ways, levels and dimensions. 

Sexual energy is multi-dimensional and multi-faceted. Within the creative energy are also many qualities. It has many elevated forms of expression much of which we don't really know about. 

Whenever something is created there is creative energy involved. 

The raw sexual energy as we can appreciate is the best product that the human body produces. Rightfully so as it is the seed, the blueprint for reproduction. Nature always reserves the best so that the best can surge forth and continue. Only the strong survive it is said.

It is said that much of our body's reserves and energies go into producing the raw sexual energy.

It makes sense that the creative energy be somehow harnessed as it contains a great quantity of energy. If only that energy can be taken and made useful to us is the question we often contemplate. Well, a good Gnostic student knows how.

Energy is certainly not made useful expending it into space. Just as the sun's energy is most useful when it reaches a planet.

The sexual energy is the creative energy in physicality, which later can become creativity and genius in the mind and love and inspiration in the emotions and heart. 

When the body produces the sexual energy it does not have in mind any of the connotations that are typically related to sex or sexual energy. Which can often have a guilt related  or misbehaving kind of quality to them.

The body produces the sexual energy independent of the mind and so it is pristine but our mind colours it as does the way we use it.

If God used it to create human beings and the body makes it without mind then there can not be anything wrong with it or evil about it. Once again such questions are all to do with the way we relate to it and use it.

The body produces the sexual energy naturally as a totally natural cosmic substance-energy. Our minds superimpose many perceptions, concepts, ideas, desires, uses, feelings onto it, which are not in the spirit of seeing the sexual energy as natural and cosmic as it really is.

The sexual energy in nature is clean and powerful. It is as clean and powerful as the force of life is. If we just look at life on this planet we will see how powerful it is.

Sexual hydrogen Si-12 is the result of sexual transformation not psychological transformation. The physical-vital sexual energy basically creates bodies and so the sexual Si-12 creates internal bodies by the means of inner sexual transmutation.

The sexual energy has a spiritual dimension to it as well as a causal dimension to it.

End (4277).

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