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Thursday 11 November 2021

Typhon Baphomet Notes - (4285)

The Typhon Baphomet as Master Samael says is the shadow of the Being in us. He is every contrast to our heavenly Father.

He is a true and legitimate part of our Inner Being with a legitimate and true role to perform within us.

He takes up his true function when we begin the work. Before that His role is to teach the essence in life via the left hand. That is to teach the essence about the timeless values of the Being via pain.

He is always at the command of the Father. The dragon respects the Serpent.

Our role is to free Him. Otherwise He suffers terribly within us.

He master Samael says is our friend. Our best friend. 

This friendship is won with triumph over His designs and impulses of temptation. Otherwise our relationship is marked with bitterness.

Each interaction with him is a transaction of values. If we lose to him we lose certain values of our soul. If we triumph over Him we win values from Him.

The sword is tempered and strengthened through Him.

He is the ladder to ascend or descend.

He has been called the psychological trainer. He helps us in the comprehension and dissolution of the ego.

Until He is freed he is polarised with the ego. Therefore he has a dark appearance and is found within the abyss.

The Typhon Baphomet and the Intimate Christ are related. As is the Divine Mother. They form a powerful team for psychological transformation. 

All three are a part of our Inner Being. They form three of the main parts of our Being that do a great deal of work inside of us and help us a great deal with our inner work.

He trains, He works and She dissolves. 

He contrasts, He choses and She liberates. 

He brings pain, He brings remedy and She heals.

He is sent to tempt and train, He is sent to rescue and redeem and She integrates and ascends.

Prometheus stole the fire from the Gods to give it to men. Beethoven wrote the music for the ballet "The Creatures of Prometheus". Prometheus is the Greek version of the Typhon Baphomet.

Chrestos Lucifer: the Intimate Christ and Lucifer are linked. Temptation is Christic. Because the force behind temptation is to Christify by strengthening and helping to overcome.

The Typhon Baphomet helps the soul via the left hand of God. Basically through pain so as to learn. 

Steal the fire from the Typhon in the Alchemy. Steal the light from the Typhon in daily life.

There is a difference between Lucifer and the Typhon Baphomet. Lucifer is the Typhon freed of His function as trainer and ascends to become an archangel seated at the right hand of God because He has suffered so much and has worked so hard.

Typhon Baphomet trains for the following reasons: refine and polish, develop new qualities, strengthen, restructuring, structuring, increase awareness of details, define, test, know, evaluate...

Typhon works thrusting one into the ego and that has a special flavour. Proud of it, compelled to do it and the feeling that is accomplishing something hurling oneself into it and needing to do it quickly.

We are extraordinarily powerful. More powerful than God. Our power resides in saying no! Our no can stop even God!

Refer to post: Gymnasium Notes

To be continued...

End (4285).

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