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Friday 10 December 2021

Capacity to Deal with the Anger of Others - (4297)

The anger of others provokes the anger that we have.

The anger of others connects to our anger in our subconscious and draws it out.

The anger of others helps us to dissolve ours. For a person who wants to free him or herself that is the very bottom line of motivation. We have to see the anger of others as motivation and help to dissolve ours. If we are serious about dissolving our own anger we can't see it as something for us to get more angry about. 

When we are weak or are caught in a moment of weakness we are prone to react with anger to the anger of others. 

The strength of a deep silence does not get angry.

The strength of a deep respect for oneself and others does not allow one to get angry.

The strength of love holds anger back.

The strength of intelligence knows not to get angry and sees a solution to diffuse the situation.

The strength of one's own dignity causes others to create respect for oneself. It is not a bad thing to get others to respect another human being. It is the start of peace after all.

It is said that Mandela worked slowly in the prison camp in which was in and despite being told to hurry up by the guards he continued to work slowly and held steadfast to that. Causing them to respect him, no matter how angry they got at him. 

End (4297).

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